Suck at something September

A few years ago when I was on maternity leave with my second child, I decided to do a bit of a deep dive into the world of CSS art, which is a strange and magical niche filled with some very talented people.

At the time, I blogged about it and shared some of my creations on; you can see my old posts if you want.

I was certainly not the greatest at it but it was kind of fun and something different.

More recently I saw this challenge: Suck at something September and I thought… hmm, maybe I can try my hand at this again, this time more along the lines of using gradients to draw, like at or

Getting to the quality bar of the two websites I just shared is probably totally impossible for me. I suck even at drawing things by hand. Manipulating gradients to bend to your will seems infinitely harder than that. But that is the spirit of suck at something September- sucking is kind of the goal! It encourages you to just play around and try something without feeling ashamed of how crap it might be.

So this month I will try out drawing things and see how far I can get. You can see my first attempt for the month below. Starting with some happy/sad faces because it's very circle-based art and doesn't require any complex shapes.

Here's what makes these drawings tricky: You use 1 div, and then you use a complex background image of layered gradients to draw it out. There's a detailed article on of how this is done if you are curious/want to try for yourself.

See the Pen Attempting drawing pictures using gradients by Rose (@roseyrobertson) on CodePen.

We’ll have to see if I improve with practice over the course of the month, or if I run out of free time and do nothing… or if I practice a bunch and still suck to be determined!